The Four Masters of the Yuan Dynasty is a name used to collectively describe the four Chinese painters Huang Gongwang (黄公望), Wang Meng (王蒙), Ni Zan (倪瓒) and Wu Zhen (吴镇), who were active in the Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368). They worked during the Yuan period and were revered during the Ming Dynasty and later periods as major exponents of the tradition of “literati painting” (文人画), which was concerned more with individual expression and learning than with outward representation and immediate visual appeal.

All of the "Four Masters" were noted for their lofty personal and aesthetic ideals. They shifted the art of landscape painting from an emphasis on close representation of nature to a personal expression of nature's qualities. They spurred experimentation with novel brushstroke techniques, with a new attention to the vocabulary of brush manipulation.