Xue Shaopeng - Song Dynasty

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       Xue Shaopeng (薛紹彭) was a calligrapher and scholar-official of the Song Dynasty. His courtesy name was Daozu (道祖) and pseudonym Cuiwei Jushi (翠微居士).

       Xue excels in all of the regular, semi-cursive and cursive scripts. He enjoyed similar fame in calligraphy as his good friend, Mi Fu (米芾). The two often discussed calligraphy and authenticated ancient artworks together. Mi Fu once said, “People talk about Mi-Xue or Xue-Mi; it’s as if saying ‘elder and young brothers’ or ‘younger and elder brothers’ (世言米薛或薛米,猶如兄弟或弟兄).”

Artworks by Xue Shaopeng (view the entire calligraphy gallery)