Wang Zhen

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       Wang Zhen (王震, 1867-1938) was a celebrated modern Chinese artist of the Shanghai School (海派). He was originally from Wuxing (吳興) in Zhejiang Province, although spent most of his life in Shanghai, where he was a successful businessman and banker. When he was young, he learned painting from Ren Bonian (任伯年). In addition, Wang was closely associated with and considered the disciple of the painter Wu Changshuo (吳昌碩). It is believed that some of Wu's paintings were actually the works of Wang Zhen.

       Wang Zhen's paintings enjoy a considerable popularity in Japan where he had made many trips in his business and artistic career. He is known there as O Itei from his variant Chinese name of Wang Yiting (王一亭). 

Artworks by Wang Zhen (view the entire painting gallery)